(c) 2018 Rhonda Freeman, PhD
What a great question!
Is narcissistic personality disorder an illness or a choice?
The diagnosis of people with narcissistic personality disorder (npd) reflect the following symptoms: A. They rely on others to define them / their self esteem is derived from the outside world, rather than within.
B. They are emotionally dysregulated, with mood states fluctuating up and down.
C. They seek to gain approval from others.
D. They lack empathy and the intimate relationships are shallow.
E. They use their partner to bolster their self esteem – many survivors refer to this as supply.
F. They seek to be admired (“excessive admiration) and have attention focused on them in some manner.
G. Extremely self-centered, arrogant, a sense of entitlement, and feel they are better than other people. (summarized from DSM-5)
Voluntary or Involuntary
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses